It was COLD! |
Race Number 40
If speed in these half marathons is the only objective, then running these races is, well, perverse. I ran this one unhurried, again, with similar reasoning as the last one. Yet, I entered today’s race with a since of trepidation. My back decided to start acting up a few days ago. There was no happiness on the left side. It felt like it was “nature’s” version of Beirut.
If speed in these half marathons is the only objective, then running these races is, well, perverse. I ran this one unhurried, again, with similar reasoning as the last one. Yet, I entered today’s race with a since of trepidation. My back decided to start acting up a few days ago. There was no happiness on the left side. It felt like it was “nature’s” version of Beirut.
It certainly appears I am a practitioner of paradoxical behavior which is always frustrating to my family and close friends. Running on a healing back is certainly paradoxical. But, I have been able to convince myself that making these commitments and decisions at trying to be successful at the things I try to do, gains me special favor with Aries (Greek god of war, manly courage, and civil order). Or………maybe not.
I chugged along today, in cold, moist weather knowing I was running with many of my colleagues from the League of Charter Schools as we exercised (pun intended) a fundraising opportunity for our advocacy fund through “Chugging for Charters” (, if you might be interested in donating to the cause). If my Guardian Angel had suddenly---indulgently----appeared, I think he/she would have been proud of our/my efforts but would then take me to the wood shed and slap some sense into me. It was a difficult race for me as I had not trained well. Sucking cold air is a miserable experience, as well, but we succeeded.
I ran at the rear of the pack (a humbling experience for me), nonetheless in that loneliness I still felt a bond with the 8,500 runners who ran this race. It is highly attenuated, by comparison, with the bond that binds men in combat, but it is there, as the element of combat is there. Today, I survived to run another day. Number 41, here I come!
Prayer List: Miles 1-3: Julie Michael, a friend from JA days. I prayed for peace and joy as she has experienced some significant levels of trauma in the last month or so. Miles: 4-5: The graduating 6th grade class at Jefferson Academy. Miles 6-7: Mr. Mike Nolan, the Principal of Jefferson Academy as he ends his first year of what I suspect to be many very special years for him. Miles 8-10: Tom Hensey, father of my dear friend, Holly. Tom faces some difficult decisions related to prostate cancer. Miles 11-13: For our Charter Schools in our state as they face another year of budget cuts.