Half marathon #72 was surprising enjoyable consider my concern for my well-being due to a significant hamstring and glut injury. I probably should have not run this race, but I am a frugal soul who likes to get something for the time and money invested (ROI).
Sunday’s “jog” found me appreciating the fact that I can continue to compete in races like this. I am grateful that I am physically able to work and exercise. That may seem trivial … but I have friends and family who have bodies that do not allow them (and not by their choice) to do either work or play. I hurt for them and I need to be grateful for what I am able to do right now because it could change tomorrow.
I have often forgotten there are more aspects to good health other than the physical body. I am so blessed to have a spouse and best friend who helps me stay focused on mental and emotional happiness and not get all wrapped up in the insignificant and unimportant things in life. She has her hands full with this obsessive, compulsive, determined, and often pessimistic soul. I am so grateful for her and her sacrificial love! BTW: Holly ran a good race too!
Holly and I will be running (or jogging) in the Houston Half Marathon in January. Training starts again this weekend. No more slothfulness for us. Yet, I am grateful. So grateful.