Number 80
I jogged the “Never Forget Half Marathon” today at Memorial Park in Houston. It was number 80 for this old fella. My IT Band tear is 90% ok, but I must admit, there was quite a bit of favoring of the left leg the last six miles. Eighty-two degrees and 90% humidity was not helpful, either

This race was a virtual race ( i.e. I upload a picture of my watch time and distance to a website to verify that I ran the distance plus, I run without a crowd cheering me on). As a participant, I raised money for the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. The museum is a collection of authentic artifacts, presenting visitors with personal stories of loss, recovery, and hope. As a monument to human dignity, courage, and sacrifice, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum honors the nearly 3,000 people killed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and recognizes the courage of those who survived, and salutes those who risked their lives to help others.
Please see the picture of the beautifully etched 4″ medal I will receive for my efforts which shows two New York City skylines: one side of the medal has the Twin Towers standing tall, and the other side of the medal has One World Trade Center in their place. Somber as well as disturbing to this day.
I generally do not engage in political or religious discourse on social media. But after watching a couple of documentaries over the 9/11 weekend, I was reminded of my deep disdain for extreme fanaticism in political and religious thought or philosophies which seem to always lead to harming people whether mentally, spiritually or physically. My pastor, Tom Stipe, use to say, “Sin makes you stupid!” I would add that “extreme fanaticism” also makes you stupid! That is all I have to say about that .... (Forrest Gump).
Now, Reason #5 as to Why I Run Half Marathons:
I stay fit! I weigh the same as I did when I exited active duty in the military in 1975. Some of you have seen me in my dress greens. What you have not seen (under the longer coat of my uniform) is the fact I cannot secure the top clasp on my army issued 30-inch waist slacks. That area has expanded two inches (OK, maybe 2.5 inches). Yet, my doctor says I am a walking, talking testimony to staying fit and thus, making a valiant effort to overcoming hereditarily based heart disease. Hopefully, my effort will allow me to run (and LIVE) for many years to come.
It appears #81 will take place in November with real runners in La Porte, TX. Until then.....blessings to you all!