Race Number 24 (and only 23 medals)
Hey, friends, Mikie’s phone here.
Mikie doesn’t have AT&T, so no bars out here in Pueblo, in the deep, deep South of Colorado, where 2% of the entire population of Colorado takes residence. Yeah, STUPID did not get the call that the race he is running in does not award a medal at the end of the race. That is REAL important to Mikie. Mikie has a big ego. He races to get the shiny stuff. Nothing more. He is quite vain. The only thing he will have to show for his 13.1 miles of agony and pain will be a high quality SWEATSHIRT in a subtle brown tone! Granted, it’s a nice one, but it is NOT SHINY and cannot be hung on his office wall where he likes to show off his running prowess. Mikie wishes the sweatshirt lettering glowed in the dark!
Yeah, Mikie the Idiot missed that call. Yeah, he has some memories, some pain, and did I mention, NO MEDAL! For the best coverage, switch to AT&T. More Bars in More Places. And, AT&T even works in Pueblo, Colorado.
Get an Exclusive Quick Messaging Phone for $79.99 after mail-in rebate. BUT, NO MEDAL! Get over it!
Hey, friends, Mikie’s phone here.
Mikie doesn’t have AT&T, so no bars out here in Pueblo, in the deep, deep South of Colorado, where 2% of the entire population of Colorado takes residence. Yeah, STUPID did not get the call that the race he is running in does not award a medal at the end of the race. That is REAL important to Mikie. Mikie has a big ego. He races to get the shiny stuff. Nothing more. He is quite vain. The only thing he will have to show for his 13.1 miles of agony and pain will be a high quality SWEATSHIRT in a subtle brown tone! Granted, it’s a nice one, but it is NOT SHINY and cannot be hung on his office wall where he likes to show off his running prowess. Mikie wishes the sweatshirt lettering glowed in the dark!
Yeah, Mikie the Idiot missed that call. Yeah, he has some memories, some pain, and did I mention, NO MEDAL! For the best coverage, switch to AT&T. More Bars in More Places. And, AT&T even works in Pueblo, Colorado.
Get an Exclusive Quick Messaging Phone for $79.99 after mail-in rebate. BUT, NO MEDAL! Get over it!
Time: 2:26:30. Pretty slow, AGAIN! Eight miles on a 1-2% grade (on trails) up to Pueblo Dam and the rest, flat or downhill. At least it felt that way. In fairness, the race did advertise that it was a "no frills" race. I just had to make a big deal out of not getting a medal. It is my nature you know! Otherwise, a well organized race mostly on trails. Boy, did I need trail shoes this time!
Prayer List: Miles: 1, 2 and 3: Dave, Sandi and Crissy Eason’s in El Salvador on a missions trip. Miles 4, 5 and 6: The Talley family: Mom recovering from surgery, dad headed into heart surgery and a son battling muscular dystrophy. Miles 7 and 8 : Scotte Burns (6th grade teacher at JA) and family: Scotte’s dad passed on Thanksgiving day at the age of 71. Miles 9 and 10: Kelly Greiman, longtime friend is headed into prostate surgery to remove cancer. Miles 11 and 12: Amanda Munier, taking the GMAT as I was running. Mile 13: Me (I drag at this portion of the race and have to yell at myself to keep going. I tried prayer, this time).
Run Mikie, run!
Thom's Phone Here: Thom can not answer because he's sitting on his ever growing gluts eating donuts while Mikey runs his shrinking gluts off. Thom didn't get the call that Mikey would be running in Pueblo or he would have told him not to expect much out of this poor town. So, Thom sits on his butt laughing that an old geezer like Mike beats himself up on these runs when he could be kicking back. Still, he sets aside time to pray that Mikey can continue to run and make his goal!
Here ya go Mike...hope this posts correctly!
Merry Christmas!
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