I got up at 4am this morning to prepare to run my 56th half marathon at Cherry Creek State Park. Frankly, I pondered for a few moments as to why I continue to run these races especially with the maladies my body now struggles with. But because I had already spent the money to register, I sure as shoot'in was not going to throw $70 down the drain.
About six miles into the race, I realized why I was suppose to run this race. A dear friend of mine, Dave Anderson was running the race and came up along side of me as I struggled up a long hill. Dave and his lovely wife sent all three of their children to Jefferson Academy. Dave and Lisa's commitment and love for their children was very special. Dave has said some very nice things about their experiences at JA and we were very honored to serve them through the good times and a few rougher patches. Yet, what always impressed me about the Anderson's was their unwavering faith in the support system that surrounded them and their willingness to bless others. I would have loved to have had a whole school of Anderson's!
Dave walked with me for a few minutes as I struggled through my run. I was blessed to have him come along side of me. Too often we underestimate the power of a smile (and Dave has a big one), a kind word (I told him I did not want to hold him up and his response was "I would not trade this for anything") or the smallest act of caring (he asked how I was doing) all of which have the power to build (and this case, continue) a life long relationship. I treasure that relationship with the Anderson's as I do with so many of the families I have had the pleasure to serve.
My race ended with a slow time again, but I did not care. I drove home sore, but deeply blessed.
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