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Thoughts on the First Seven Races

1. Disneyland Half-2006-California
My very first race and still my personal best (PB) time. I guess I was pretty pumped up for this one. I was fortunate to run with one of my parents from school. She is good runner and about 24 years younger than me. She kept me moving. The amazing thing was her ability to TALK the whole time we were running!!!! I just grunted my answers as I gasped for air and strength. She left me in the dust after mile eight and finished seven minutes ahead of me. We are going to run together again in 2007. Maybe I can stay with her a little longer. At each mile I sent up a prayer for a pre-determined list of people. That was inspiring for me!

2. Denver Half-2006-Colorado
This was my first half marathon at altitude and it was not easy. Going up Gaylord street was brutal (I will use that word A LOT in future notes). This race was flatter than Colfax, so I may run it again.

3. OC Half-2007-California
Ahh, going home is so great. I LOVE running in Calli-for-nee-a (that is Arnold for California). Sea level gets you 20% more oxygen and sets well with me and probably most of civilization. It was kind of warm but a soft sea breeze made it tolerable. The slow, upward grade at the end was demoralizing but I still finished in 2:11.

4. Palm Springs-2007-California
Going home to Palm Desert/Palm Springs (I grew up there from four years old through fourth grade) was also exciting but I BOMBED in this race. Out of the thirteen miles, 5.5 miles was a steady 2-3% climb towards Mount San Jacinto. OH MY GOD!!!! Running by Elvis and Marilyn Monroe’s homes were of little consolation. After the race, I headed to Keedy’s CafĂ© and Soda Fountain for a chocolate coke, chocolate malt and a BLT. I ran this race in honor of my mom and dad, mom and dad Lapeere and my brother John. John is still alive, by the way!

5. Eisenhower Half-2007-Kansas
I should have known better. Yes, Ike is one of my heroes, but…….. Remember how Dorothy got to Oz? Wind, and lots of it. Add to that a 20 degree temperature at start time and you are running in a NINE degree wind chill factor. Guess which runner in the contest did not pack a wool cap, gloves AND no long running pants? Yep, the Lebanese boy! I think I was one of three runners running in shorts. Now the term BRUTAL, really describes this experience. I hung around to see if I medaled, but I placed fourth in my age division. Frankly, I was happy to finish the darn thing! Ike would have been proud of me!

6. Colorado Colfax Half-2007-Colorado
BRUTAL, JUST PLAIN BRUTAL. The last six miles was a climb to the foothills. I want them to flip this race around and run it down hill every other year. If they don’t, I will enlist my own medical team the next time I attempt this race.

7. Arby’s Rocky Mountain Half-2007-Colorado
Hot, nasty and hilly. “Marine Hill” was an 8% grade with Marines lined up yelling at you (yelling encouragements, of course). Now being an ex-Army infantry grunt, I probably did not endear myself to these guys when I yelled “Black Knights Rule.” If I had eaten an Arby’s roast beef prior to the race, I can guarantee you it would have ended up frying on the pavement around mile six or seven! This was my slowest race and reminded me of why marathons are run in the fall and early spring-HEAT!

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