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Colfax Half Marathon, Denver, Colorado, May 17, 2009

Race Number 27

(If Dr. Seuss wrote for Mikie Marathoner about the Colfax Marathon)

Mikie, there is the start line, that's the start,
So toe the line and get set to dart.
You must go far, please go far,
The end of the race may have a bar!

If your wee legs can go fast,
This race may not last and last,
Yet you are old and without blast
I hope you can survive and last, survive and last.

Mikie, give it all you got I say,
Weak you may be, it may be that way.
But you must go, yes you must go.
So make it so, please make it so!

Climb those eight miles of 2% grade,
You will not fade, you will not fade.
Don’t say I can't, for I know you can,
You must, you will, you certainly can. You the man!
The heart danger is now past,
You can run and run, and impress the cast!

Your body is on fire, you say,
That is what happens when God makes you pay!
You ask how this could be?
Who lit the fire, the fire you flee?
You say, not me, not me?
You say not I, not I.
You ask how long til you die?
Two hours and more to say goodbye.

Mikie may I suggest a course to take?
You could, I think, quite safely make.
Drink the water and the Gatorade,
That will stop the fire and you will say Hurray! Hurray!

Think positive and please don’t desist.
We understand hills do exist. We get your gist.
But you can get your body to go,
Keep in the flow, keep in the flow!

The last two miles are so hard to do,
You really are such a fool.
Oh I hope you get there soon,
For you may be dead by Sunday noon.

But Mikie you are marginally strong,
You will succeed if you remove the thong. (Just kidding-at least it rhymes)
You would not stop, you would not fall,
You would not slow, no, not at all!
You broke the tape and crossed the line
In two seventeen and twenty-nine. (i.e. 2:17:29)

Prayer List: Miles 1-3: New board members elected to our JA Board, Miles 4-6: My students at JA who think summer vacation has already arrived. Miles 7-9: Amanda Rubenking-had gall bladder surgery. Miles 9-13: My dear staff as they finish the last two weeks of an incredible year of achievement!

1 comment:

Thom said...

Left foot, left foot, left foot right.
No, this isn't right.
Right foot, left foot, high foot, low foot.
Feet, feet, feet.

Feet become yards,
Yards become miles,
And all around you,
No one smiles.

Feet in the morning,
Miles at night,
Ankles are swollen,
Shoes feel really tight!

We're sorry we missed you, but we watched for you. Glad you're back on track for your 100!